Ava’s Destiny

Ava the osprey was ready to make her start in life. It was cosy curled up inside the egg, but she already longed for adventure. She’d been stuck in that egg for five weeks. Enough was enough. She stretched her wings, tapped at the shell with her sharp beak and cracked her way out into the big wide world. Ava looked up lovingly into the eyes of her parents, who had carefully tended to the eggs, keeping them warm and safe in the nest.

Sitting close by were her two squawking brothers. They had hatched first, and were certainly bigger, although not necessarily bolder.

Ava the osprey was ready to make her start in life. It was cosy curled up inside the egg, but she already longed for adventure. She’d been stuck in that egg for five weeks. Enough was enough. She stretched her wings, tapped at the shell with her sharp beak and cracked her way out into the big wide world. Ava looked up lovingly into the eyes of her parents, who had carefully tended to the eggs, keeping them warm and safe in the nest.

Sitting close by were her two squawking brothers. They had hatched first, and were certainly bigger, although not necessarily bolder.

As the chicks began to grow, feathers soon replaced their fluffy down and they tested their wings for the very first time, stretching them out as far as they would go and feeling the air push against them.

“When you’re big and strong,” their dad said, “I’ll take you on a journey to a lovely place far south. Your mother and I go there every year. It’s a long flight, but the weather’s warm, the wetlands are beautiful and the fish are delicious.” Ava was bursting with excitement. She couldn’t wait. She beat her fledgling wings as hard as she could.

As the chicks began to grow, feathers soon replaced their fluffy down and they tested their wings for the very first time, stretching them out as far as they would go and feeling the air push against them.

“When you’re big and strong,” their dad said, “I’ll take you on a journey to a lovely place far south. Your mother and I go there every year. It’s a long flight, but the weather’s warm, the wetlands are beautiful and the fish are delicious.” Ava was bursting with excitement. She couldn’t wait. She beat her fledgling wings as hard as she could.

Ava’s mum could see the spirit of adventure in her young daughter’s eyes. “You just be careful,” she warned. “It’s best if we stay away from places where there are humans about.

I’ll never forget my grandmother telling me about the time a huge human hand reached up into her nest and made off with two of her precious eggs. And your poor great grandfather was taken by them, and I’m told is still on display inside a glass case to this day.”

Ava’s brothers quivered with fear whilst Ava stood by, unruffled and fearless.

Ava’s mum could see the spirit of adventure in her young daughter’s eyes. “You just be careful,” she warned. “It’s best if we stay away from places where there are humans about.

I’ll never forget my grandmother telling me about the time a huge human hand reached up into her nest and made off with two of her precious eggs. And your poor great grandfather was taken by them, and I’m told is still on display inside a glass case to this day.”

Ava’s brothers quivered with fear whilst Ava stood by, unruffled and fearless.

But, when Ava made up her mind, it was hard for anyone to stop her. With a flick of a wing, she turned against the wind, which carried her words back to her brothers and into the distance, “don’t worry about me, I’ll be home in time for tea.”

As the weeks rolled by, the three young ospreys grew stronger and stronger. One warm summer’s day, they were out searching for the best fishing spots. Ava was keen to follow the river further, beyond the forest they could see in the distance. “Don’t go too far,” her brothers said, “remember what Mum said. There might be humans that way. We’re going back.”

But, when Ava made up her mind, it was hard for anyone to stop her. With a flick of a wing, she turned against the wind, which carried her words back to her brothers and into the distance, “don’t worry about me, I’ll be home in time for tea.”

As the weeks rolled by, the three young ospreys grew stronger and stronger. One warm summer’s day, they were out searching for the best fishing spots. Ava was keen to follow the river further, beyond the forest they could see in the distance. “Don’t go too far,” her brothers said, “remember what Mum said. There might be humans that way. We’re going back.”

Ava flew further than she had ever flown before. Beyond the forest, the river widened and she saw a patchwork of ponds and lakes. Perfect fishing waters, she thought, but her brothers were right, there were lots of humans down there too.

In between the silvery ponds, she caught sight of something extraordinary - it was the widest, most beautiful nest she had ever seen. And it was empty...it seemed to be waiting for her.

She knew she SHOULD go home, but... The temptation was too great. Ava swooped down...

Ava flew further than she had ever flown before. Beyond the forest, the river widened and she saw a patchwork of ponds and lakes. Perfect fishing waters, she thought, but her brothers were right, there were lots of humans down there too.

In between the silvery ponds, she caught sight of something extraordinary - it was the widest, most beautiful nest she had ever seen. And it was empty...it seemed to be waiting for her.

She knew she SHOULD go home, but... The temptation was too great. Ava swooped down...

She landed gracefully in the enormous nest and folded in her huge wings.

A great sense of peace overwhelmed her and, despite her curiosity, she was powerless against the feeling of tiredness that swept over her. Ava slipped into a deep, deep sleep, and whilst she slept...

She landed gracefully in the enormous nest and folded in her huge wings.

A great sense of peace overwhelmed her and, despite her curiosity, she was powerless against the feeling of tiredness that swept over her. Ava slipped into a deep, deep sleep, and whilst she slept...

Something very strange happened

Something very strange happened

Ava’s beak transformed into a rounded nose; strands of brown and white hair sprouted from her head and two arms appeared from beneath her outstretched wings. She quadrupled in size.

Her talons were still scaly and her wings more powerful than ever, but Ava was now half bird...and half girl!

For Ava, nothing would ever be the same again.

Ava’s beak transformed into a rounded nose; strands of brown and white hair sprouted from her head and two arms appeared from beneath her outstretched wings. She quadrupled in size.

Her talons were still scaly and her wings more powerful than ever, but Ava was now half bird...and half girl!

For Ava, nothing would ever be the same again.