Runner UpAshmole School

Pupils registered


Badges earned


Guardians of the Wild


Ashmole Primary School is a one form entry school near the Oval Cricket Ground, a short walk from the River Thames. 37% of pupils at Ashmole are eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant. The proportion of children from Minority Ethnic groups is 79% and the proportion of children with English as an Additional Language is 48%.

Impact of the Initial Trip

The impact of this trip on our school community has been huge, both academically and in terms of personal development and building cultural capital beyond the classroom. Perhaps the most exciting thing to be inspired and developed from this trip is a Mud Kitchen area in our KS1 and KS2 playground.

“My favourite part was when we saw Ava in the nest.”

Year 1 pupil

“I loved playing in the mud!! My favourite part was building homes for the animals.”

Year 3 pupil

“It was exciting to do something different to our usual schoolwork.”

Year 6 pupil
